Friday, June 1, 2012

My baby boy, his incredible eyelashes, and a mishap at the gym childcare

Warning: long post!!!! I am was really upset!

Last week while Gunnar was in the tub I was sitting next to the tub playing and laughing with him. He is such a sweet and good boy. I was mesmerized by his eyelashes. They are so long and very dark. I tried to get a good picture, but these are from my phone and don't nearly do them justice.
 Those eyes, that face, he melts me. And he tells me a million times a day how much he loves me. His new thing is to tell me how he loves me more than other things. He loves me more than ice cream more than Uncle Joe's i-pad. That's big!!!!! :)

I take my children to the child care at the gym a few days a week. It has never been something that I love to do. I always worry about leaving my kiddos anywhere. I am a protective mama. I just love them so and don't want them to have any bad happen to them. So, as I work out I often hear the over head speakers calling parents and asking them to report to the child care. My kiddos are bigger now and I never get called. But, I was thinking about it a couple of weeks ago. How one time they would call my name and it was not going to be good. Premonition maybe?? Well, it unfortunately happened. I had been working out for about an hour when I hear them call my name. My heart immediately began to race. I know my kiddos and that I wouldn't be called unless someone is hurt. I am worried and trying to hurry. I go get my stuff out of the locker. I can't pick them up without my card that shows I am their mommy. Then I go in. I don't see Gunnar anywhere. Someone opens the door for me and one of the care givers asks me if I am Gunnar's mom. "Yes," I respond. She begins to tell me how they have had a problem with Gunnar. She tells me that he said a bad word. A word that rhymes with witch. I am immediately shocked and spiraling. There is no way!!!! I am super strict with words. My kids do not name call, they do not say words that aren't even considered bad by the world, but they are bad in our home. I know that my son does not even know this word. I tell the woman, "Well, if he did say it, it is because he heard it here, even so I am really skeptical that he said that." She continues to blather on about how she told him everyone makes mistakes and she treated him with "tender love and care". She used that phrase several times. I ask her if she actually heard him say it. She tells me no, but she "thinks" the other care giver heard him and a few children.  I was just so shocked I needed to process the situation and talk to my kiddos. I realize I still haven't seen my son. "Where is Gunnar?!?" I ask her. She points down and there is my boy sitting in timeout behind the front desk. His face is flush and he is crying so hard he is barely breathing. You know the kind of crying with gasping and you try to remind the child to breathe!!! I have never seen him like this. I am again shocked. I just want to scoop up my kiddos and leave. So, I do. I grab them all and we walk out. My boy still crying. I start asking questions.  My girls are really upset. They didn't actually see what happened, they just noticed that their little brother was in time out. Gracie said he was sitting on the floor crying and the two caregivers were standing over him talking very harshly. One of them kept repeatedly telling him to stand up. He was crying and wiping his tears and couldn't get his arms under him to stand up. So, she repeatedly told him to get up, in a very unpleasant manner. He finally stood up. Gracie said he apologized several times. They stood him up and after he again apologized they moved him to another location and sat him back in time out!!!!!!! After about 10 minutes of coercing I finally convince Gunnar to tell me what he said. He feels so badly for saying a "bad" word and doesn't want to repeat it. He finally tells me he was playing sonic the hedge hog on the compute and was trying to be funny and called the character on the screen "crabby pants". He tells me he is sorry for saying "crabby pants". My baby boy is so sad.  When we get home I call and speak to the lady. I am upset!!!!! I again ask her if she heard him say anything. She tells me no. She "thinks" that the other care giver told her she heard him say it. I explain to her how even if he did say what they think the response is completely inappropriate. We have been going to this gym for a year and he has never had any problems. He is a well behaved child who plays well with others. I just don't understand how this happened and how they treated him so badly. She repeats to me how she treated him with "tender love and care". I want to vomit. I decide there is nothing they can do to fix the situation and I hang up with her. He will not go back there. Not only does he not want to but, there is no way I will take my children to an environment where they have treated my child so badly. My hubby sent an email to the District Manager. He had the member specialist contact me. I went in and talked to her. I removed my children from the membership and let her apologize to me. There is no fixing it. There is no taking it back and there is no way to make it better. I expressed to her that I would like for the child care facility to know again that I feel they mistreated my child. And that's that. I am considering my options for gyms at this point and trying to decide what to do. I am really still sad and upset that my boy was treated this way. I just don't get it??? How could someone mistreat a little boy with those eyes and that face? Such a sad experience.

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