Wednesday, July 11, 2012

More fireworks, food, and fun!

Joe and his sweet kiddos came in to town on the 5th. Luckily here in Gilbert fireworks are legal the 3rd, 4th, and 5th of July. So we had more fun with fireworks. We went to the zoo with Joe and the kiddies, we went to the splash pad at the mall, the pool twice. His kiddos loved the pool! Joe went golfing with Dwight and Shawn and took my Mom and Patty out to breakfast and to get their hair cut. We love when they visit. 

 Can you tell Gunnar dresses himself and couldn't be bothered  to find matching shoes. :)
 Will's sparkler burnt out just as I took the picture. He thought the sparklers were great fun!
 Love this picture!!!

 Dwight and Shawn with their red solo cup firework spectacular creation.
 This is what was left. My camera was low on batteries and wouldn't let me record. It was awesome though. They filled it with my new favorite fireworks from this year the Big Ball. They were amazing.

We had these really cool things called sliders too. You put them on the ground and put pressure and slide. They spark and crackle. The kids loved them. 

We had a great visit with the Pratt's!!!! We love you guys!

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