Sunday, January 17, 2016

Daddy's New Job

One of my new year's resolutions this year is to be better about blogging. I really do love to document our life and create a history for my children to look back on. When I am trying to catch up, I write quick snippets and am not as good at creating the entire memory for my children. So, this year I am going to try to do a better job of blogging. 

The end of 2015 was a difficult time for our family. Dwight was laid off from his job in August. He had been working for a start up business. He really was unhappy there. The people were not honest and the work environment was unpleasant for him. He was in no way sad to not have to go back to that job. However, taking care of a wife, 4 children, and 2 old ladies is no small task. The stress of not having work was intense. We went on quite the roller coaster. We continually prayed and held fast to our testimony of our Heavenly Father's love for us. We continually hoped for something better to come along. But, we had some dark days. We also had so much love poor in to us from our extended family and friends. We have the very best home teacher who gave Dwight a blessing and helped us continue to have hope and faith. Going into the holidays was stressful. We were blessed immeasurably. We had a beautiful Christmas. 

Dwight was offered a job as a sales manager in Tucson. We began to prepare to move our family. All along we were unsure and uneasy about the move. We went and stayed down in Tucson for a few days and looked for homes. We were so uneasy. We prayed and held fast to our faith that we would know what was right for our family and that Heavenly Father would show us the way. Miraculously, really, to us, miraculously late Friday night before Dwight was supposed to start work the following Monday his boss called him and offered him the same position here where we currently live. It still isn't all completely clear how this became available .We just know that Heavenly Father provided for our family. 

Dwight has only been in the new job for a week. It will take some time for us to catch up financially. We are still in a bit of shock with the way life has gone over the last few months. But, we feel blessed. We are thankful to be in a place that our kids are so happy. We are thankful to be surrounded by people who love us. We are mostly thankful to be together as a family, to have our beautiful children who bring us so much joy, and to be sharing our life together. 

We're hoping and praying, and praying and hoping for a less eventful 2016. 

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