Wednesday, January 17, 2018

February 2017 A quick trip to San Francisco

My hubby had a trip to San Francisco for work and I had some airline credit so we decided it would make a fun get away for just the two of us. I loved everything about it. I love the airport. I love flying. It's such an adventure. 
 San Francisco is beautiful and kinda scary too. lol. I love being near the water. The ocean and sand fill my soul. San Francisco is also very green and has pretty hills. I love the surrounding area too. It is just beautiful. There are a lot of homeless people though. They scare me and remind me of visiting my mom in the psyche hospital. I don't like that part of it. 

 We walked out on the pier and did a little shopping and had lunch at a pizza place. This is a picture from out the window next to our table. I LOVE being by the water. We live in the wrong place!!!
We had so much fun just being together. 

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