Thursday, November 10, 2011

14 days

14 days....
Today can I be thankful for something that doesn't have a whole lot of meaning? I don't feel like being deep and profound. I'm thankful for the color pink, soft pillows, and peanut butter. I'm thankful for dark chocolate and how it is healthy for you :) and Cindy Lauper.

I had a really uncomfortable test today. An MRI of my pituitary gland and brain. My head was locked in a plastic cage with big ear muff things to hold it in place so I couldn't move my head. Then they put this plastic cage over my face and locked it in. Holy cow right!!! 40 minutes of terror. The machine made horrible noises that sounded like a jack hammer going off inside your head. Then a fire alarm, then more jack hammering. I tried to breathe deep and relax and think of pretty things. About half way through I was about to press my panic button and slide my butt out of the torture contraption when Cindy Lauper's "Girls just want to have fun" came on through my ear muff head phones. I  could barely hear it over the jack hammering. But it gave me a moment of mental clarity and I made it through. Then they injected contrast into my arm. I have bad veins. She tried both arms and picked what she thought was the best one. She dug for it and finally found it. So pleasant. Then the table slid back into the doughnut machine of torture h...e....double hockey sticks. I was so proud of myself for making it through the test. It was one of my biggest mental accomplishments ever. As soon as I sat up my chest and neck started to get itchy. The nurse looked at me funny and said "uh oh". Yep, I had a little allergic reaction to the contrast. Everything ended up fine, they just watched me for a bit. I have a little rash and a big bruise on my arm but I survived. I'm gonna be really annoyed when the results come back totally normal and I did the whole thing for nothing. Of course I want the results to come back totally normal.

Okay, back to my simple thank lights and green grass and the color green in the desert in general, Disneyland, Christmas, but not until the Friday after Thanksgiving, let's give Thanksgiving it's turn people, and Mexican food, sno cones, and my sewing machine. Happy little things, so many little things that make us happy to be thankful for. I'm thankful for the happy little things.

1 comment:

Merrill Family said...

I am thankful for your blog it helps want to be better. Like as if you live across the street.