Saturday, April 21, 2012

Busy Again

This last week we had state testing. We drove to the Mesa Convention center every morning for my little girls to take a required state test. They thought it was fun. No stress, no worry, just other home schooled kiddos in a big room answering questions. Our school is state funded, so fingers crossed for good test scores so our school continues. We love our curriculum. It was busy making sure that the kiddos were in bed early and up to eat a good breakfast before we were off. The little boys and I spent a lot of time in McDonald's play places and at the park. Then we were straight off to swimming and baseball. So busy busy busy. I have some pictures to load when things slow down some. We are blessed and happy right now. Dwight and I are dieting. I'm trying desperately to drop some weight before my thyroid surgery. So we are busy and hungry. :)

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