Thursday, May 3, 2012

A few things.......

........that I have realized while my hubby has been out of town on business:

- at the wonderful age of 34 years young, I am still afraid of the dark. :) I leave all the lights on until I am completely completely ready to pass out.  Then I leave the bathroom light on, the hall light on with my door open a little, and tell myself that every noise I hear is the guinea pig. :) We have a really noisy guinea pig. Or so I tell myself.

- it makes me gag to plunge the toilet. Like really bad. Gracie even offered to do it because my gagging was so loud.

- my husband is my bestest friend ever, ever, ever. (I already knew that, but I miss him and it reminded me)

-  it's a pain to take the trash out.

-  I need lots of reminders for everything. I need him to text me and remind me or it will not happen. I forgot to pick up his dry cleaning on Saturday while he was out golfing and they were closed on Sunday. We had to go buy him some new clothes so he could get on the plane early Monday morning with something in his suitcase. He has text me reminders of things every day he has been gone. Errands I needed to run. Things he needed me to take care of. I am a basket case. I am going to blame my thyroid.

-  My kids love him!!! They ask how many days until he gets back constantly. They can't wait to talk to him before bed. They want to know what time it is in Orlando and what he is doing and can he see the Disney World castle. (The answer is no by the way. He did see the fire works from his hotel balcony though)

-  I love him and miss him and need him. I knew all of those things already too. But, I am so lonely without him. I am so thankful for his goodness and love.  Not only does he provide for our family, but he supports me in everything I do. He is a great mopper, duster, and washer woman too. Our little family feels incomplete with him so far away.  I told the kiddos they can stay up tonight until he gets home.  We will sing one of my favorite primary songs to him: We're so glad when Daddy comes home, glad as glad can be. Clap our hands and shout for joy and climb up on his knee. Put my arms around his neck and hug him tight like this. Pat his cheek, and give him what? A great big kiss. (or something like that) :)

P.S. I have been using his pillow. :) It's a fancy schmancy expensive one I may need to invest in one for myself.
P.P.S. Gunnar has been sleeping with me. :) I'm too lonely by myself and my little boy loves me. :)

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