Friday, May 18, 2012

Fun at the Zoo!

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm becoming more and more comfortable here in Arizona. Of course there are things that I miss about my California home. Mostly Disneyland and my friends and family. But, we are happy here. It is such a nice place to live and raise our family. My brother Joe and his little kiddlets have come several times to visit over the last several months and that makes it easier. We love to have them and have so much fun with them. One of our favorite things to do is visit the Phoenix Zoo. I have to say that the animal exhibits are not the most impressive that you'll ever see. They are small.  But, the kids love to play at the zoo. They love the tree house. They LOVE to feed the sting ray. They love camel rides and the paddle boats. They LOVE the splash areas which recently opened for our hot summer. We had so much fun at the zoo last week. Here's a few pictures:
 It's best to go pet the string ray during the feeding hours. I am a chicken and won't feed them. I tried but pulled my hand out at the last second. Sorry mr sting ray. Joe and Gracie did most of the feeding. The rest of my kiddos were scared and Will just threw the fish in. You have to hold it like and ice cream cone and let the sting ray swim over you. It sucks it out of your hand. So coo! Gracie was excited that they feed them some shrimp too because she loves shrimp. :)

 She's gorgeous!!!

 Our favorite splash area is like a cavern. There is an inside cave with two water slides and a tunnel. There are waterfalls and lots of spray. The kids had soooo much fun.

 There's a little areas around the rim that has a little lake. The kids loved to run through it or lay in it.

 I some how didn't get any pictures of Will at the splash pad. He was running around like a wild man. Sooo cute.

Super Fun Day!

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