Monday, July 2, 2012

Simple Pleasures

Arizona has the most amazing sunsets. The sky here seems so big. The colors are amazing. It turns red, pink, and purple. The only thing missing is the sandy beach to sit on and watch the sun go down. So sad! 
 We went for a Sunday evening family walk. We had passed this nature preserve a million times it seems. It's just a few miles from our home. But, we had never been. I was shocked. There is a little fishing lake and a tons of trails to walk. We saw bunnies, geese, ducks, birds, and lots of bugs. A few bug bites later, we had a lovely walk.

It's the simple pleasures in life that it make it so rich. I love the funny things they say as we walk. And how Gunnar kept grabbing my hand and dragging me practically backwards. How they were afraid of the bunnies :). We stayed too late and got locked in the trail. We had to jump the fence. Dwight was able to lift the kids over no problem. It must have been a hilarious sight though to see him boost me up and then me take a few minutes to decide how I was going to get over and down. Then he climbed over no problem. Ugh. So much for fancy amusement parks, we just need each other. :)

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