I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity that I have to home school my children. It's sort of an interesting thing home schooling. People have really strong opinions about it. I think it is very personal. I am sometimes jealous of people who send their kids to school. :) The things I could do in a day if I didn't home school 4 children is sort of fun to think about. I don't in any way want to offend people who send their kids to school with my view of home schooling. It is a personal choice. I don't judge anyone for the choice that they make that is best for their family. That being said, why do I home school?
I am not willing to allow someone else to experience the joy of teaching my children. I wonder if most teachers would view it that way? I feel good about my choice at the end of the day knowing that I did what I believe is best for my kiddos even though it's not what's easiest. It makes me happy to see them grow, learn, and develop, to improve and progress. I believe that as their mother I am the most important influence in their life (along with their father). There is no one who cares as much as I do that they learn and succeed. There is no one who is more dedicated to them than me. There is no one who loves them as much as I do. I love knowing that they are safe and well. I love spending my time with them. Our home is such a happy place to be. There is so much love in our learning. I feel strongly about building their self worth and confidence, building their testimonies, and increasing their knowledge of the gospel as we learn. I believe in them. I know that they will each impact the world in a great way. It is hard to get all of our school work done daily. We work so hard. My kids are so well behaved for me. At this point in life, I feel good about what we are doing. I am confident in their continuing education and proud of their accomplishments. I reserve the right to change my mind at any time. After experiencing both school at home and school at the brick and mortar, I feel like my children are happier little people at home. They are softer around the edges. They do not have to build up a defense against the world just yet. I am preparing them though. I am happy for them to be just happy children.
I am grateful for the opportunity that I have to choose my children's education plan. I am grateful to live in a state that provides funding for our online public school choice.
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