Tuesday, January 22, 2019

2018 A full year

I'm an entire year behind and I want to start blogging again. I want to blog current events so that I have the emotions and feelings. Sooooo, I am going to make one post for 2018 and start fresh. Here goes, our year in one post and a few pictures.......

January: Tuesday temple trips, home schooling, co-op, and Bear getting taller and taller.

February: Tuesday temple days, Valentine's Day, rainy days, Disney days, and I turned 40

March: Tuesday temple days, homeschool days, our 17th wedding anniversary, co-op friends, caterpillars, and Easter eggs

April: Madagascar at the QCPAC, Tuesday temple days, caterpillars, Gracie gets asked to prom

May: Disney days, pool days in Cali, Gracie's spring dance recital, Tuesday temple days,Gunnar's flag football Day date and prom, Co-op polka dance party, Star Wars movie

June: Gracie's summer ballet at Miss Wendy's, Savannah turns 15, Tuesday temple days with grandma Jordan, Beauty and the Beast at the QCPAC

July: Disney days, beach days, family reunion, California love

August: School starts, Joe and the kids visit, date night, Tuesday temple days, Saturday's Warrior, Kyle asks Gracie to Home Coming

September: California trips, Disney Days, beach days, Dodgers game, Homecoming, back to Disney, Club 33, Gunnar's last day of primary

October: Boys birthdays, Tuesday temple days, Vertuccio Farms, and Halloween

November: Gracie asks Kyle to Winter Formal, Tuesday temple days, Savannah gets her braces off, Dwight turns 43, Kyle responds to Gracie,High School Musical at the QCPAC, Alice in Wonderland at the QCPAC, Gracie goes to Dear Evan Hansen at the Gammage, Dwight is cast as Oliver Warbucks and we help him memorize his lines. 

December: Christmas tree, Christmas fish tank, Tuesdays temple days, mailing Christmas letters, Caden leaves on his mission to Canada, Christmas caroling with friends, Nutcracker performance, Gracie turns 17, Gracie and Bear go see Lynden in the Christmas Carol, Christmas and New Year's Eve

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