Sunday, April 22, 2012

Testing Week

This past week my little girls had state testing. Our online school rented the Mesa Convention center to administer the test. Savannah had 2 days of testing and Gracie had 4 days of testing. The girls were excited for the testing and actually mostly enjoyed the process. Savannah did have an administer one of the days that wasn't very nice and didn't let the kids choose where to sit. Besides that it was a positive experience and Savannah even made a new friend who lives near us. The convention center is about 30 minutes away from our home, so the boys and just spent the day in Mesa near the convention center. We had lots of time to kill. We spent most of it at the park or 2 local McDonald's play places. 
Savannah and Bear sharing a jacket, they said they were a 2 headed monster

 One of the McDonald's had a huge birthday room, with a special chair for the birthday girl or boy. My kids played in them pretending they were a king or queen.
 Downtown Mesa has a lot of statues. We took a walk and checked out the fun art.

 This is my kinda chair. :)

 At the end of the week we went to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate the end of testing. We saved our tickets from our last trip, so we had ALOT of tickets. I also had coupons from online for 200 more tickets. So, the kids had 1334 tickets. They each picked several prizes. Such a fun day!

 My favorite are Bear's cool green lines sunglasses.
I love my kiddos!!!!

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