Friday, July 13, 2012

Keeping Cool

Living in the valley of the sun during the summer means lots of swimming for us. The kids and I normally swim 6 days a week. Dwight will come with us maybe once a week. 

 My kids always ask to ride in the back of the van on the ride home. Sometimes I let them. It's just a couple of blocks from our house.
 Man do I love these kiddos!
 We are loving summer. We have been a little busier than I'd like. But, summer swim team ends next week. Then we are going to CA the week after and then we will come home and have one week with nothing planned before school starts. My boys play on the computer a lot and watch movies when we aren't swimming.
I took 3 pictures and Savannah's eyes were closed in all 3!!! :) Oh well, what a sweet little family I have.

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