Saturday, July 14, 2012

Gracie got braces

Can you believe that I am old enough to have a child with braces??? I know me neither. She is a little young for braces if you ask me, but her teeth are mature just like her. 10 going on 40. She has all of her permanent teeth except her wisdom teeth. The crowding isn't easy on oral hygiene so we decided with the help of our dentist that it was time to go have a consultation with the orthodontist. She will wear them for 18-24 months. She is excited about it. She did great at her appointment. Her mouth has been a little sore. We have been giving her Advil and she has been eating lots of ice cream. The good news is that she'll only be 12 when she gets them off. The bad news is that then it will be Savannah's turn, then Bear's, then Gunnar's. So we will basically have a child in braces for the next 8 years. Better than diapers I guess. :)
 Before: Such a gorgeous girl! I love her.
 Here we go.....
 Preparing the surface. Poor girl, looks like some sort of torture device.
 Braces on
After: She chose hot pink decorations for fun. She is doing well. Rinsing with warm salt water 4 times a day and living on ice cream. Just as cute with braces.

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