Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October Already???

Wowzers, where oh where did September go? It flew past me and I barely even took a breath. I have a million pictures. It was a great month. I am missing my little blog world. I'll make some time soon to blog. I have things I want to remember forever, that I won't remember past next week if I don't document them. Some highlights from September that I need to talk about: The kids and I super busy learning and loving to spend all of our time together. Savannah started softball, Dwight is her coach. I got a couple of moles removed (basel cell carcinoma, the one caused by the sun). Don't be surprised when every picture I'm in I am wearing an old lady sun hat. I officially have gone sun protection crazy. We went to Cali for a week and finally made it to Disneyland!!! I officially want to move back. :( And October fun is here. Coming up in just 2 days my baby boy will turn 6 and the next day my big boy will turn 8. It's sure to be a super fun week at the Jordan home. Then next week my big boy will be baptized. One of the best pay days ever for a mama. Halloween adventures are sure to come, and plans for the upcoming holiday season. I love this time of year. I am excited for November and remembering all the very many things I have to be thankful for. I am so excited for December and the magic of the season. I love my life and my sweet little family. Blogging helps me remember everything that I have to be grateful for.  Thanks for checking in on us. :)

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