Friday, November 25, 2011


It's funny how we wait for things and then they come and go. We had a really great day!!!! We ate sooo much food and really enjoyed spending time with our family. I set a pretty table and we had a beautiful meal. We are thankful, so thankful for all of the blessings we enjoy in this life. I am so thankful for the opportunity that I have to experience this life and have all the many blessings that makes my life so happy.

The kids are I are doing laundry and packing up for the Polar Express train. We are so excited. We have such a blessed life. Bring on the magic of Christmas. There is nothing better than Christmas with 4 children.!!!!! The magic of Santa Claus and presents is so much fun!!!! I'm excited to experience the magic and remember the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.

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