Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Guess What=Happiness

I downloaded my photo software from my camera to my lap top finally!!!! I am really excited. I started some blogging this morning, but my children are now in need of me. So, I will finish catching up later. My children have been reading my blog. They have been going back, back, back and then telling me about things they have read. I forget things that have happened and am so glad that I have written about them for us to remember. I'm thankful to share our lives with our friends and family, but mostly so thankful to have this record of  our life for my children. I always want them to know how much I love them. How they are the most important thing in my life. I want them to always know that I believe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to be the true church on the earth today. To know that we can be together forever through the sealing power of our beautiful temples. To know, that I have a testimony of our savior. That Jesus Christ is our savior and redeemer. That he suffered for our sins so that we can return home again. That he atoned for each of them, with them in mind because of his love for them.  I want them to be good and kind. To be happy. We all have struggles in this life. They can sometimes seem never ending and we can feel hopeless and forgotten. But, our Father in Heaven is always there for us. He loves us. Our little Jordan family, although we are not without our own struggles, trials, and hardships, we are incredibly blessed. We are blessed with love and with happiness. So, for a little while, I am going to remind my kiddos of all of the things in our life that are happy.

1 comment:

aprilaleman said...

:) Glad you are back.