Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter. On Saturday morning we went to our ward Easter egg hunt. The kids ate donuts, hunted for eggs, and then played some egg games. They had great fun. Saturday night the kids and I colored eggs for the Easter Bunny to hide. The kids went to bed with dreams of sugar for the coming morning. Bear woke me up first on Easter morning. Early, soooo early! We have church a 8:00am. I told the kids that they could go look downstairs but not touch. They found all of their baskets though and came up to tell me all about them. We went to church and had a great church day. I told the kids on our way home that we were going to have our special Easter family home evening as soon as we got home. They sat on the couch still in their church clothes and we remembered the true meaning of Easter. We watched a couple of mormon messages and my kids explained to me the reason for Easter. Gracie's eyes swelled with tears and she told me about how much our Savior loves us. Savannah explained Easter and it's meaning with a tender heart. Even my squirelly little boys understand showed reverence for the special day. My heart was content and full. I am grateful. I really like this video. Then my kiddos changed their clothes and ate a lot of candy!!!!! Bliss. We cooked some traditional Easter food and had our family over for dinner. Happy Easter! 

 I put Savannah's hair in sponge curlers on Saturday afternoon. I think she looks so cute with them in. They made the prettiest, bounciest curls.

 Gracie got a hair cut. She's adorable in her bob. I've decided her new nick name will be Bob. My grandma on my mom's side cut hair when she was young and the bob was her specialty so they called her Bob. Gracie is named for my grandma on my dad's side, so it's perfect for her to have a nickname from my other grandma. By the way, I never met either of them. But, I still am so grateful for them and the legacy that they left me.

 I'm so glad that my children get along so well and love each other so much. I can't explain the difference in our home after just the short time since I pulled them from school.  They are all better versions of themselves. They get along better and our home has a completely different feel.
 A break from coloring eggs for a duel. Savannah is seriously aggressive. :)
 The finished product.
 My beautiful children Easter morning. I love them so much!!!!!
Check out Savannah's bouncy curls. Her hair is half it's normal length. She gets so much attention with her hair curled.  I need to squish them all. They make my heart swell.

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