Sunday, April 29, 2012

Week End Review

 We went swimming at the gym twice this week. The weather has been so nice and they are such great kids. They LOVE swimming. 
They are growing up so fast! They are good and fun! I'm so thankful to be their mommy. Check out the fun slides in the background.
We celebrated Earth Day this week by going to see the movie Chimpanzee. I LOVED it. The relationships that these chimpanzees share is beautiful. It is such a lovely story. My little girls cried. My boys got a little restless near the end. :) Beautiful!!!!!
 Then we went out to lunch because homeschool and we can if we want to. :)
 Gunnar was so excited for his green bendy straw. Those are his love signs. He drank 3 chocolate milks. :)

Gracie had ate some pasta. She was carbo loading for her swim meet. 

 Gracie had her 3rd swim meet. Best meet yet!!!! She beat all of her times and got first place in the breaststroke. She is such a fish!!! Grandma is so competitive and loves watching her swim. You should hear her scream for her while she swims. We love bringing Grandma Dee Dee to swim meets.

The boys played baseball! Cutest little baseball players!!!!

Since we had such a great week, with such well behaved kiddos, we finished our week at Build a Bear with new outfits for our bear friends. 
 Lightning McQueen jammies for Gunnar's dog, to match his own favorite jammies.
Captain America for Bear. He is sooooooo excited for the Avengers movie coming out this week.

 A jammie for Savannah's bear for sweet dreams.
Hello Kitty jammies for Gracie's bunny Rainbow. Fun day!

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