Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Of course on Father's Day I can't help but think of my Dad. My sister Laura text me today. She said, "Our dad is sweet, fun supportive, and faithful to the Lord. I love him." I couldn't help but tear up. What she said is true. He was the sweetest Dad. I miss him so much. He supported me in everything that I did. He came to all of my concerts, recitals, meets, games, and so on and so forth. He encouraged me. He was always there for me and would always give me everything he had including his last couple bucks. :) My freshman and sophomore years of high school are some of my favorite memories of my dad. He wasn't working and he was still in pretty good health. He would come to my swim practice everyday. He was the only parent there for practice. He would set a bottle of water at the end of my lane and watch me swim. After he would give me pointers on things I needed to improve. How to do a faster flip turn or improve my strokes. He would bring me a snack to eat on the way home. He always held my hand as we walked out to the car. I remember my friends watching. I'm not sure what they thought about it, but I didn't care. I had been through things with my family that had helped me realize the importance of love. I was so grateful for his love and support. He is an example to me. An example of faith, love, and support. He left a legacy for his posterity. We continue to honor him and remember all that he gave us. I love him with all of my heart. I miss him. We talk of him often and I remind my kids of the things he stood for. They are so much like him. I feel him near sometimes. I know that he continues to serve the Lord. I know that we will be together someday. I believe in Forever Families and am so grateful for the knowledge I have of the eternal blessings of the temple. Knowledge that he helped me learn.

I was born to be a mother. To nurture, love, and take care of these four kiddos. I am so thankful for the choice I made in their father. He is my best friend. I would rather spend time with him than anyone else. He is my rock. I rely on him for everything. I rarely make a decision without him. He not only supports our family financially, but he supports me emotionally and helps me in all aspects of life. He does laundry, dishes, and floors. He does yard work. He helps me manage our home. I love him with all of my heart. I am so thankful to share my life with him. I am so excited for all we have yet to come. Happy Father's Day to my sweet husband. Thank you for your righteous example and commitment to the gospel. Thank you for taking me to the temple. Thank you for all that you do for me and our kiddos. Thank you for being such a great daddy. I love you!

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