Saturday, June 16, 2012

Saturday is a Special Day

We love Saturdays! This morning we started bright and early. The girls had to be at the pool at 6:50 for warm ups before their meet. We were there until about 10:00. They did great!!!! We even came home with some first place ribbons. :) Then I headed to the gym while Dwight and the kiddos did some yard work. Then we went to the pool as a family. So much fun! The kids love for Dwight to throw them. They squeal with delight. Now we are hanging out at home. Dwight is watching the U.S. Open (golf). I plan on sitting and reading for a little while. I'm exhausted. We ordered Papa Johns. Yay! I still have to do a couple loads of laundry and get us ready for church tomorrow. Can you believe that Bear was chosen as the reverent child last week and will be up on the stand before sacrament as an example of how to be reverent?? He was the first child chosen!!! It's a new thing they are doing. I know, I was totally shocked! 8:00am church. No sleeping in for our summer. 

My little swimmer girls:

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