Monday, June 24, 2013

Finishing up the school year

This year we attended Arizona Virtual Academy (AZVA). It is an online public school that uses K12 curriculum. Because it is a public school it is free to use. I love this form of schooling for my kiddos. We school at home. AZVA provides us with all of our curriculum. It is easy for me. There really is no prep time. We log in and our lessons are ready for us. They provide us with a schedule, which we never really use. I am definitely not very good at schedules. I am a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl. Our goal was to complete 3% of each subject each week so that we would stay on track to finish for the year. We did lots of weeks of double work so that we could take time off though. Our normal work week we work Monday through Thursday a little extra so that we could take Friday off. We do a lot of block teaching. We complete all of the lessons in a certain subject in a day and then move on to another subject the next day. I did math and reading with the boys everyday though. This year my girls were able to build more independence. They worked almost completely on their own. I help them with math and correct their work in other subjects. I also help them with editing and completing their final drafts in composition before they submitted them to their online teachers for grading. We had a really great year. My kiddos all made great progress. They earned great grades and were all on the honor roll. They did well on state testing. I feel good about our choice in schooling and we have decided to do it again next year.

I'm so thankful to have this choice and right as a parent to choose my childrens learning environment. I recently became president of an organization, Arizona Parents for Education. We advocate and support the right that we as parents have to choose the best learning environment for our children.  I love participating in this organization. I have had the opportunity to meet several AZ state legislators and look forward to meeting more. Next month, I'm headed to Washington D.C. again for the national conference. It's fun to be a stay at home mom who homeschools and fights for the rights of parents choice. The opportunities that life provides me never cease to amaze me. I am incredibly blessed and so thankful.

I love being my children's teacher. I love that I know the things that they are exposed to. I love seeing them interact with one another and the friendships that they build because they are together. I believe in my heart that although this is not the easiest education choice, it is the best for our family. I love schooling at home.


aprilaleman said...

I remember you liked and attended a good charter school out here, what was it called?

Robyn said...

We really liked Santa Rosa Academy in Menifee. They have home school, part time (2 days at school, 3 days home), and a full time school program.